Changelog ========= v2.4 (2019-10-06) ----------------- Changes ~~~~~~~ - [search] use format as output instead of concatenation. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [DatabaseLayer] cleanup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [search] fix due to the recent change of the library interface. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [cpe search] fixed for the JSON output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Other ~~~~~ - Merge branch 'janidetiger-master' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of into janidetiger-master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Small update. [Ján Doboš] - optimalization. [Ján Doboš] - optimalization. [Ján Doboš] - - rework of getMongoConnection() function to correctly catch exception due to changes in pymongo 2.9 and later. [Ján Doboš] - update of getMaxLogSize(): default values should be in MB, .lower() replaced by .upper() as b,kb can be confusing when referring to Bytes - getCVEStartYear() cleaned - Merge branch 'janidetiger-master' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Update table.html. [Ján Doboš] - Update pager.html. [Ján Doboš] - Update search.html. [Ján Doboš] - Update pager.js. [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update [Ján Doboš] - Update table.html. [Ján Doboš] - maintain original functionality because of recent changes of return values of getCVEs function - we need to access the 'cves' key of the returned dictionary - Update pager.html. [Ján Doboš] complete rework of pagination - now correctly calculates the total number of pages and creates correct pagination elements - for pages with index close to beginning hides later pages - for pages with index in the middle hides some pages in front and some in end - for pages with index close to end hides pages in the beginning - Update filters.html. [Ján Doboš] - addition of action="/r/0" tag - if filter is set manually, then it changes the resulting data, so we want to display the first page (offset /r/0) - Update index.html. [Ján Doboš] - function setSettings() renamed to SetFilters() - if CVE filtering is enabled and sent via POST, setFilters() is run on document.ready and sets values of the filtering elements - python variable filters now stores the current filter settings - Update index-minimal.html. [Ján Doboš] - unification of setFilters() javascript function with index.html - if CVE filtering has been enabled and sent by POST, setFilters() is called on document.ready and set the current filter values on filtering elements - Update pager.js. [Ján Doboš] - simplification of functions used for pagination - function paginator_jump(n) now jumps to the required offset of results and is called by clicking on pagination elements - Update [Ján Doboš] function getFilterSettingsFromPost has been polished - Update [Ján Doboš] maintain original functionality because of recent changes of return values of getCVEs function - Update [Ján Doboš] maintain original functionality because of recent changes of return values of getCVEs function - Update [Ján Doboš] maintain same functionality because of changes of return values inside the getCVEs function (now return a dictionary) - Update [Ján Doboš] - maintain same functionality because of changes of return values of getCVEs function - Update [Ján Doboš] - getCVEs - update of return values in order to support pagination - now returns a dictionary containing both data 'cves' and total number of results 'total' for pagination purposes) - getCVEsNewerThan, via4Linked - maintain same functionality by selecting the 'cves' result from the dictionary because of update of getCVEs - removal of sanitization, because it is already called inside the getCVE function - Update [Ján Doboš] maintain functionality because of changes of values returned by getCVEs function - Update [Ján Doboš] maintain same functionality because of changes values returned by getCVEs function v2.3 (2019-09-18) ----------------- New ~~~ - [db_mgmt_json] first version of importing NVD CVE from the new JSON format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - new import script (db_mgmt_json) added to parse the JSON entries and import in MongoDB - Goal was to map existing data found in the old XML format from the new NVD JSON format - cpe2.2 is now discarded (cpe2.3 should be the default in cve-search) - CWE contains additional type of fields from the NVD which need to be fixed - ranking is currently disabled (WiP to add it back in minimal API later) Changes ~~~~~~~ - [doc] Python 3.6 required. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [db_mgmt_json] improve the parsing of the vulnerable_configuration tree format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - children entries are now taken into account - a new field is added to add the non_vulnerable_configuration This should fix a very old bug in XML where non vulnerable configuration were imported into the vulnerable_configuration. And it should also fix the issue #373 - [db_mgmt_json] force option to update the current JSON of NVD. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [db_mgmt_json] CVSSv2 vector is now imported. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [search_cpe] references added in output and csv output added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [db_mgmt_json] minor fixes (format) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [doc] README updated with JSON feed download. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [source] fix CPE v2.3 url. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [doc] add new MISP modules using cve-search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - [doc] Added initial import indication. [Steve Clement] Other ~~~~~ - Merge pull request #374 from FafnerKeyZee/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Adding some filters on result page - Update filters.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Update table.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Update filters.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Update filters.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Update table.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Create filters2.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Update search.html. [Fafner [_KeyZee_]] - Merge pull request #359 from joanrodriguezr/patch-6. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Keep freetext search value in the top textarea after executing the search. - Keep free text search text value. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] Update this subpage with the recently executed search - Keep free text search in the top textArea. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] Send parameter to the template we want to render with the search text we have executed - Merge pull request #343 from joanrodriguezr/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix system crash when empty search - Fix system crash when empty search. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] Fixes #335 issue. It performs an empty search without crashing system. (server side) - Update scripts.js. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] Fixes #335 issue. It performs an empty search without crashing system. - Merge pull request #344 from joanrodriguezr/patch-2. [Pidgey] Fix logout - Fix logout. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] It fixes issue #338. Just change the Method from POST to GET to get it running. - Missing update for #339. [Pidgey] - Merge pull request #349 from joanrodriguezr/patch-3. [Pidgey] Fix default user agent style in Chrome - Fix default user agent style in Chrome. [Joan Rodriguez Rodriguez] It fixes look&feel in chrome #339. Overriding the user agent stylesheet for "nav navbar-nav" - Merge pull request #345 from noraj/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] readme: add missing dep and sort them alphabetically - Readme: add missing dep and sort them alphabetically. [Alexandre ZANNI] - Merge pull request #341 from iammyr/pyscan. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] new feature: scan of pip requirements file for CVEs - Merge branch 'master' into pyscan. [iammyr] - Merge pull request #333 from siisar/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Setting redis password - Setting redis password. [siisar] Optionally, with this change we are able to connect to a Redis server that is protected with a password. This password is provided in the configuration.ini, in the Redis section, with the keyword "Password". By default, the password is None, as currently happens - Merge pull request #325 from noraj/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] readme: whoosh appears two times - Whoosh appears two times. [Alexandre ZANNI] - Merge pull request #326 from noraj/patch-2. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] readme: add missing deps (from requests.txt) - Readme: add missing deps (from requests.txt) [Alexandre ZANNI] - Merge pull request #327 from Grenzdebiel/html-qoute. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Update - Update [Rene] Add html.escape for summary in html output. - Merge pull request #320 from itsbriany/multiple_product_search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Added support to search for multiple products in a single query - Added support to search for multiple products in a single query. [Brian Yip] - Merge pull request #322 from SergeOlivierP/cwe-completeness-fix- related. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Cwe completeness: added related weaknesses and categories - Removed forgetten debugging options. [serge] - Added support for cases where multiple views use same related weaknesses hierarchy. [serge] - Removed debugging commented code. [serge] - Added support for categories. [serge] - Added ability to force update, useful for debugging purpose. [serge] - Switched parsing to use version 2.12 of cwe xml. [serge] - Adding related weaknesses tree structure. [serge] - Set theme jekyll-theme-minimal. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #311 from StCyr/stcyr-Issue308. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Issue 308: Updated documentation how to fulltext index all the CVEs. - Issue-308: Improved markdown documentation formating. [Cyrille Bollu] - Issue 308: Added reference to the /doc folder in the file. [Cyrille Bollu] - Issue 308: Updated how to fulltext index all the CVEs. [Cyrille Bollu] Cyrille - Merge pull request #301 from CriimBow/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix error when researching CVE with no CVSS - Fix error when researching CVE with no CVSS. [Guillaume G] Example : ./ -c cve-2018-8373 Format fixed: CSV, HTML, XML - Merge pull request #306 from CriimBow/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Update README to import local VIA4CVE - Update README to import local VIA4CVE. [Guillaume G] Import your own VIA4CVE - Merge pull request #312 from SteveClement/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] chg: [doc] Added initial import indication - Merge pull request #314 from Agh42/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Added support for field "vulnerable_product" - Added support for field vulnerable_product. [Agh42] Parser now ingests the field "vulerable_product" from the NVD XML-feed. New option "--vulnerable-product-only" uses this field: With this option, "-p" will only return vulnerabilities directly assigned to the product. I.e. it will not consider "windows_7" if it is only mentioned as affected OS in a "foxit_reader" vulnerability. - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #298 from paralax/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] prettier markdown formatting, no content changes - Prettier markdown formatting, no content changes. [jose nazario] - Merge pull request #297 from Anderson-Liu/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Update sources.ini.sample - Update sources.ini.sample. [Anderson] Upgrade source to new version. - License Change to AGPL - Discussed in issue #281. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #289 from Alexandre-Bartel/upto-search-option. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] New parameter for 'lax' search - Added parameter for 'lax' search. [Alexandre Bartel] - Merge pull request #286 from jbmaillet/fix_nvd_feeds. [Pidgey] Update NVD feeds - Update NVD feeds. [Jean-Baptiste Maillet] - Merge pull request #284 from Patristo/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix #283 - db_updater when running a virtualenv executable. - Fix #283 - db_updater when running a virtualenv executable. [Nathaniel Jensen] - Merge pull request #257 from chervaliery/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Convert wrong encoding of CPE2.3 - Convert wrong encoding of CPE2.3. [chervaliery] Add the unquote function to convert the url encoded to escaped character - Use SSL in all sources. [PidgeyL] - Add 'ignore certificates' option. [PidgeyL] - Update CWE version. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #255 from guntbert/master. [Pidgey] Improve grammar in the "rationale" paragraph. - Improve grammar in the "rationale" paragraph. [Guntbert Reiter] The last sentence seems to have been built from two sentences... - Bugfix #247. [PidgeyL] - Pyscan: dependency from requirements-parser in order to scan pip requirements file. [iammyr] #major - Pyscan: added scan of pip requirements file for CVEs as a new feature. [iammyr] #major - Remove vendor statements, as they are in VIA4. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for bson date conversion. [PidgeyL] - Fix typo in example (-f is full json output) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix example as vulnerable_configuration is now cpe version 2.3 (not more 2.2) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ensure consistent JSON output with previous version of the API for datetime element. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The datetime bson output has a different format and use $date key when dealing with datetime value. The output is just kept consistent with the previous version of the API. - Bug fixed for empty cvss values. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - As MongoClient is not safe regarding fork. Connect is set to False by default. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #237 from IrootGeek/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add ranking to every possible output - Add new function search text in all summary. [IrootGeek] - Add ranking text. [IrootGeek] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'pj/master' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bugfix comment in #226. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix #226. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Remove unused script. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Resolve #219. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Implement request #197. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix #131. [Pidgey] - Add requests (#130) and sort alphabetically. [Pidgey] - Documentation update. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix filter. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes + code clean-up. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix + code clean-up. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix + code clean-up. [PidgeyL] - Status codes in documentation. [PidgeyL] - Fix status codes in web/api. [PidgeyL] - Add session authentication. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix #131. [PidgeyL] - Update readme 'copyright' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'api_reworking' of into api_reworking. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'api_reworking' of into api_reworking. [PidgeyL] - Sepparate auth to reduce code. [PidgeyL] - API Documentation update. [PidgeyL] - Add query and link to api. [PidgeyL] - Forgot to add the js. [PidgeyL] - Token in admin page. [PidgeyL] - Singleton objects. [PidgeyL] - Add jsonp support. [PidgeyL] - Add documentation, advancedAPI & fix info on admin page. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix via4. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix + rename cve info collection to cves. [PidgeyL] - Fix dbStats on admin page. [PidgeyL] - Fix dbstats. [PidgeyL] - Initial api reworking. [PidgeyL] - Add query and link to api. [PidgeyL] - Sepparate auth to reduce code. [PidgeyL] - API Documentation update. [PidgeyL] - Forgot to add the js. [PidgeyL] - Token in admin page. [PidgeyL] - Singleton objects. [PidgeyL] - Add jsonp support. [PidgeyL] - Add documentation, advancedAPI & fix info on admin page. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix via4. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix + rename cve info collection to cves. [PidgeyL] - Fix dbStats on admin page. [PidgeyL] - Fix dbstats. [PidgeyL] - Initial api reworking. [PidgeyL] - 'self' bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #230 from igama/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Ensure that redis-cache-cpe runs when selected - Ensure that redis-cache-cpe runs when selected. [igama] - Merge pull request #217 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #137 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfix for issue described in #216 - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream2/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Bugfix plugin settings for dictionaries. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #212 from jbmaillet/bugfix_web_login_broken. [Pidgey] - Bugfix: web server login broken. [Jean-Baptiste Maillet] - VIA4CVE reference added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] v2.2 (2016-12-29) ----------------- Fix ~~~ - Display the correct number of elements in cves. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Other ~~~~~ - Merge pull request #211 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] via4cvs and many other fixes - Msupdater removed as it's now part of VIA4CVE. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Indent fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Use of bson utils instead of jsonify. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix #133. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix broken merged. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Conflicts: lib/ - Forgot to load plug-ins. [PidgeyL] - Add VIA4 source. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - VIA4CVE default feed added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #135 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Replace vFeed with VIA4, and modify the API and web server classes for inheritance - Bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Fix irc & xmpp bot. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - API modularization (step 1) [PidgeyL] - Via4 searchability and linking. [PidgeyL] - Visualize via4 data. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit via4. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #209 from rmarsollier/refactoring. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] refactoring of displaying functions and usage of them in cveid search mode (-c) - Refactoring of displaying functions and usage of them in more mode (-c) [robin.marsollier] - Merge pull request #204 from pombredanne/patch-2. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Create proper to make lib a module - Create proper to make lib a module. [Philippe Ombredanne] lib is not a package but is used as such with absolute imports. The proper way is to make this a bona fide package with an - Merge pull request #208 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] New reference lookup added + bug fixes - References database added in the README. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - How to add cross-references. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add: more references added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Clarification about the initial CPE import that might take some time. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'pidgeyl/master' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix #129. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Try to remove vFeed (step 1) [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix database population. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - VFeed replacement. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #206 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many bug fixes and clean-up (including the removal of vfeed) - Merge pull request #134 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Several bugfixes and minor changes - Remove vFeed as a source since it's not automatable anymore. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for #128. [PidgeyL] - Make it possible to hide white&blacklist from unauthenticated users. [PidgeyL] - Temporarily disable vfeed while looking for alternative sources for data. [PidgeyL] - Add get option on /r/ [PidgeyL] - Change the way sources are accessed & move sources & make it more scalable. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #202 from pombredanne/patch-1. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Simplify places to fetch sources in install doc - Simplify places to fetch sources in install doc. [Philippe Ombredanne] * List only cve-search as the place to fetch sources * Other forks do not seem entirely up to date - Merge pull request #132 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] pam style authentication manager + bugfixes - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream+/master' [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge pull request #199 from sec9/fix-utf8-encoding-issue. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix UTF-8 encoding issue when parsing CWE and ExploitDB Files - Fix UTF-8 encoding issue when parsing CWE and ExploitDB Files. [Sebastien AUCOUTURIER] - Clarification regarding the proprietary vfeed database. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #196 from igama/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Update NIST Vendor Statements processing - Update data format on parsing NIST Vendor Statements. [Marco Silva] - Update NIST Vendor Statements url. [Marco Silva] - Cve_refs added - first version to lookup NIST ref database. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] queries the Redis database where the NIST ref are. You can query a CVE id and it will return the known references by NIST. If you use the option "-u", the URL expansion is done. The expansion table is not complete and need to be extended. This codes might move in the core cve-search library soon. python3 -u -c CVE-2016-3100 SUSE:openSUSE-SU-2016:1723 python3 -c CVE-2016-3100 CONFIRM: CONFIRM: CONFIRM: CONFIRM: SUSE:openSUSE-SU-2016:1723 CONFIRM: CONFIRM: - Fix #198. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #194 from igama/master. [Pidgey] Variable name should be errors in /r/ - Variable name should be errors in /r/ [Marco Silva] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Minimal API documentation added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Send pending bugfix. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Incomplete fix for #188. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for #188. [PidgeyL] - Add readme for authentication modules. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for Issue #184. [PidgeyL] - Fix typo. [PidgeyL] - Change shebang from python3.3 to python3 (compatibility) [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream+/master' [PidgeyL] - PluginManager: handling of configuration file. [Jean-Baptiste Maillet] Handle spaces as well as tabs, use portable splitlines(). - Merge pull request #186 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #183 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #131 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix - Merge pull request #130 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfixes - Authentication manager. [PidgeyL] - Move password hashing to database layer. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix multiplier & bugfix kb. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #177 from jbmaillet/pip_requirements_web_add_missing. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add missing Python modules required for web/*.py - Add missing Python modules required for web/*.py. [Jean-Baptiste Maillet] - Merge pull request #176 from jbmaillet/pip_requirements_add_missing. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add some missing requirements, keeping docs in sync - Add some missing requirements, keeping docs in sync. [Jean-Baptiste Maillet] irc is needed by bin/ sleekxmpp is needed by bin/ Update relevant documentation files, reordering python modules requirements when needed considering the root as the reference. - Merge pull request #173 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fixed datetime.datetime issue with JSON - Merge pull request #129 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix for #172 of the master branch - Merge pull request #171 from adulau/master. [Pidgey] Bug fix - Merge pull request #128 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] re-add import that was accidentally removed - Error handling on date issues. [PidgeyL] - Update the documentation to explain the plugins.txt error. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for #172 of the master branch. [PidgeyL] - Re-add import that was accidentally removed. [PidgeyL] v2.1 (2016-06-13) ----------------- - Merge pull request #170 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many fixes - Merge pull request #127 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Plug-in manager fixes, updates etc - Review imports. [PidgeyL] - Fix missing changes. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'mattoufoutu-master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch with @mattoufoutu. [PidgeyL] - Convert datetime objects to string when dumping db. [MatToufoutu] - Convert datetime objects before output + pretty print json when doing free search. [MatToufoutu] - Make date parsing in webui compatible with db datetime objects. [MatToufoutu] - CurrentTimeFilter is no longer used. [MatToufoutu] - Flask.ext notation is deprecated, use real package name instead. [MatToufoutu] - Remove unused imports. [MatToufoutu] - When running external scripts, use same interpreter as the current one. [MatToufoutu] - Dates can now be formatted without using a custom filter as they are datetime objects. [MatToufoutu] - Merge branch 'master' of git:// [MatToufoutu] - Merge pull request #168 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add a Gitter chat badge to - Add Gitter badge. [The Gitter Badger] - Merge pull request #167 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many updates and bug fixes in the plug-ins - Merge pull request #126 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add plug-in features, bugfixes and update documentation - Merge pull request #125 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Features and fixes - Merge pull request #124 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] javascript/jquery bugfix - Merge pull request #123 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfix - Merge pull request #122 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Compatibiliy bugfix for Flask-PyMongo - Dates can't be implicitely converted to strings, convert explicitely. [Mathieu Deous] - Make all ./sbin/* scripts executable. [Mathieu Deous] - Make all ./bin/* scripts executable. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge branch 'master' of [Mathieu Deous] - Merge pull request #162 from maximilianhuber/fix/repairReadmeExamples. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix(README): examlary calls were broken, i.e. were prefixed by `./python3.3` - Fix(README): examlary calls were broken, i.e. were prefixed by `./python3.3` [maximilianhuber] - Merge branch 'master' of [Mathieu Deous] - Merge upstream. [Mathieu Deous] - Create .gitignore file and configure to not track files/folders that shouldn't be. [MatToufoutu] - Merge branch 'master' of [MatToufoutu] - Ignore timezone when parsing date. [Mathieu Deous] - Fix mistake when handling last modified date. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge upstream changes. [Mathieu Deous] - Get last-modified header from new response object. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge branch 'master' of into merge-upstream. [Mathieu Deous] Conflicts: sbin/ sbin/ sbin/ sbin/ sbin/ sbin/ sbin/ web/ web/ web/static/js/custom/scripts.js - Force date conversion to string. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge branch 'master' of [Mathieu Deous] - Fix datetimes display. [Mathieu Deous] - Code format (PEP8 compliance) [Mathieu Deous] - Missing semicolons. [Mathieu Deous] - Inline variables where possible. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge branch 'master' of (forgotten changes: exit codes) [Mathieu Deous] - Merge branch 'master' of [Mathieu Deous] - Use datetime objects everywhere for last-modified field. [Mathieu Deous] - ID for page manipulation. [PidgeyL] - Allow plug-ins to pass dictionaries as well as the 'success boolean' [PidgeyL] - Add error handling. [PidgeyL] - Move pluginArgs to a function and fix **args missing in search. [PidgeyL] - Move filters to a subpage and move javascript around. [PidgeyL] - Change search format to list of CVEs instead of list of dictionaries with cve as ID. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for lists in settings. [PidgeyL] - Sort plug-ins in plug-in manager. [PidgeyL] - Sort functions for visibility. [PidgeyL] - More checkings to prevent plug-in errors. [PidgeyL] - More plug-in actions. [PidgeyL] - Fix bug where only one instance gets loaded if multiple are given. [PidgeyL] - Sort plug-ins. [PidgeyL] - Make plugin bugs impact cve-search less. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix with overlapping html id's and css rules. [PidgeyL] - Add user settings and pass current_user to get_filters in plug-in manager. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Update documentation. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Api only script. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Remove plug-in related things from the minimal interface. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Plug-in info on admin page. [PidgeyL] - Add drop for plug-ins. [PidgeyL] - Add 'change password' option in web interface. [PidgeyL] - Javascript/jquery bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Fix for #124 - right message when auth required. [PidgeyL] - Remove forgotten debug code. [PidgeyL] - Fix checkbox issue in filter settings. [PidgeyL] - Allow 'bulk update' of one element. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #161 from mathrock/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix bug in CPE parsing - Fix bug in CPE parsing. [mathrock] The current CPE dictionary parsing didn't catch the end of the 'title' tag and would have extra data in the 'title' attribute of the CPE. As an example using CVE-2015-7183 from Currently shows up like this: { "id": "cpe:2.3:a:mozilla:firefox:41.0.2", "title": "Mozilla Firefox 41.0.2\n \n Vendor" }, Should be: { "id": "cpe:2.3:a:mozilla:firefox:41.0.2", "title": "Mozilla Firefox 41.0.2" }, - Merge pull request #159 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes and updates - Merge pull request #121 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Small bugfixes and plug-in features - Add compatibility bugfix for Flask-PyMongo version 4.x. [PidgeyL] - Added sample for plugin.txt. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for dictionaries. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Give more options to functions. [PidgeyL] - Show reasons for plug-in failure. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for dicts in p_addToList. [PidgeyL] v2.0 (2016-05-01) ----------------- - MITRE now serves the files in TLS (config updated) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - MITRE now serves the files in TLS (config updated) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #120 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Several updates and fixes in both and - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Update copyrights. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #120 from PidgeyL/pluginmanager. [Pidgey] extend gitignore - .gitignore indexdir. [PidgeyL] - Git ignore .gitignore. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #119 from PidgeyL/pluginmanager. [Pidgey] Pluginmanager - Move the 'seen' functionality to its own plug-in. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix in adding entries. [PidgeyL] - Remove print(ex) [PidgeyL] - Word-wrap pre & add padding. [PidgeyL] - Add functionality of subpages. [PidgeyL] - Add initial database search for plug-ins. [PidgeyL] - Remove custom files from .gitignore. [PidgeyL] - Add .gitignore for developer ease. [PidgeyL] - Move MISP to a plug-in. [PidgeyL] - New plug-in feature. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes, error handling and new function. [PidgeyL] - New plug-in manager features + fix function names. [PidgeyL] - Remove bookmarks & error handling. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit plugin manager. [PidgeyL] - Fix absolute/relative path issue. [PidgeyL] - Finish moving all statusses to the status file. [PidgeyL] - Add statusses of login to statusses.js. [PidgeyL] - Merging more responses to statusses.js. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Bugfix and some updates in control panel. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Update black-/whitelist import & export. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge pull request #154 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix #147 - Fix #147. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #146 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Replace syslog modules to logging module (to support Windows) - Replace syslog modules to logging module (to support Windows) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] This is just a quick replacement of syslog to support Windows platform. Potential fix for #143. - Merge pull request #145 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Major web interface clean-up + some fixes for the minimal part - Minimal option. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #119 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix typo - Fix typo. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Minimal option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #118 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Some code optimization - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Complete master pages. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit using master-pages. [PidgeyL] - Shorten the update overview. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #140 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fix: search template must be minimal - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #137 from treyka/master. [Pidgey] correct misspelling of Wim's name - Correct misspelling of Wim's name. [Trey Darley] - Merge pull request #136 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] vfeed fixes - Merge pull request #135 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Added pytz in the requirements (required for MISP module) - Fix #134 - Merge pull request #131 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Handle exploit definition without ref element to fix #129 - Merge pull request #130 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] doc and more - Merge pull request #128 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] cve-search branch for travis - Merge pull request #127 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Python requirements >= 3.3 - Merge pull request #126 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Travis test added - Merge pull request #125 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] MISP support + bug fixes - Bug fix: minimal template must be used for the search too. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #117 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix for #134 (master repo) - Update search to search through vFeed IDs. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Update requirements. [PidgeyL] - Added pytz in the requirements (required for MISP module) - Fix #134. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Handle exploit definition without ref element to fix #129. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] XML document of d2sec can have exploit without any reference. - Merge pull request #116 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] add documentation in markdown & remove unused config variable - Fix links. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Cve-search branch for travis. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Python requirements >= 3.3. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Travis build status added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #115 from Rafiot/travis. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add initial Travis file - Add initial Travis file. [Raphaël Vinot] - Merge pull request #114 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfix + new features - Remove presentation (moved to separate repo) [PidgeyL] - Remove unused variable. [PidgeyL] - Add markdown documentation. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Update freetext to be mongo 3 compatible ( #124 ) [Pidgey] - Merge pull request #119 from pchaigno/fix-paths-readme. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix paths to scripts in README - Fix path to scripts in README. [Paul Chaignon] - Merge pull request #118 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] jq example fixed - Merge pull request #115 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] -o option added - to group search query by OR clause - Merge pull request #114 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Commit missing part to Fix #97 - Merge pull request #113 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fixed #112 - Merge pull request #110 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Updated with the general logo, added the public cve-search demo site. - Merge pull request #109 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix issue #113 when cvssList is emtpy - Merge pull request #108 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various updates and fixes - Merge pull request #107 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix #97 - get index path from Configuration - Merge pull request #106 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CWS and CAPEC support added - Merge pull request #105 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Database abstraction layer added - Merge pull request #104 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] More DB abstraction - Add pymisp requirement. [Pidgey] - Remove unneeded vars. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Undo accidental code commit. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Jq -r -> jq -c. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix the Brucon presentation regarding #117. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add misp to updater. [PidgeyL] - Allow searching on MISP info. [PidgeyL] - Misp info on cve page. [PidgeyL] - Misp database updater. [PidgeyL] - Basic implementation of misp info. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - -o option added - to group search query by OR clause. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Commit missing part to Fix #97. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fixed #112. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Updated with the general logo, added the public cve-search demo site. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix issue #113 when cvssList is emtpy. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - DbInfo fixed in minimal web interface. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Output a meaningful message when Redis is not running. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #112 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfix + new features - Bugfix for empty bulk operations. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Make db stats queryable via api. [PidgeyL] - Fix #97 - get index path from Configuration. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fulltext search client didn't use the configuration parameters to get the index path. This is now fixed. - Fix ssl cert path issue. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Mininal web interface: menu clarified. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fixed CAPEC and CWE view for the minimal web interface. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CWE internal link updated. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #111 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Missed links on - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #110 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CWE & CAPEC Browser - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #108 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] urgent bugfixes - Merge pull request #107 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] finalizing the database layer - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #106 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Updates + bugfixes - Merge pull request #103 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various updates and fixes - Merge pull request #102 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Exploit databased added in cve-search - Merge pull request #101 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Minor fixes - Merge pull request #100 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] No more default CVSS value when no CVSS are set for a CVE. - Merge pull request #99 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix the NIST issue where NVD data feed is only accesible in gzip format. - Merge pull request #96 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Remove _id from ranking output - Merge pull request #95 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix #89 following - Merge pull request #94 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CVSS float issue fixed in dump and JSON output for CPE search - Merge pull request #91 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Initial version of a CVE converter to asciidoc - Merge pull request #90 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Db layers changed from PJ merged - Merge pull request #86 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] API update - Merge pull request #83 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #81 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various updates and fixes - Merge pull request #80 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Updates + new NIST ref database + MS bulleting database - Merge pull request #77 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Web interface updates and bug fixes - Merge pull request #76 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Web interface updates - Merge pull request #73 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Proxy support added + browser fixed - Merge pull request #72 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various updates - View last update in web interface. [PidgeyL] - Log updates. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Missed links on [PidgeyL] - Add browser to minimal. [PidgeyL] - Link CAPEC from within CVE. [PidgeyL] - Implementation CAPEC and CWE browsing. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit cwe. [PidgeyL] - Add minimal updater function. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Missed in last commit. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Final database abstraction. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - More database layer abstracton. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - More abstraction. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Bugfix + more abstraction. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Fix typo. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - More database stuff. [PidgeyL] - Cleaning-up and bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - More database abstraction. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - More database abstraction. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Reduce code size. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - verbose mode added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #105 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] More database layer abstraction + initial starring - Bugfix file selector. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #113 from tunkaflux/patch-3. [Pidgey] Small bugfix - Small bugfix. [laurensv] This fixes: Starting capec Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/laurens/Source/cve-search/sbin/", line 172, in i = dbLayer.getLastModified('capec') NameError: name 'dbLayer' is not defined capec has 463 elements (0 update) When doing '''python3 ./ -c -i -v''' - More db layer abstraction + bugfix import/export. [PidgeyL] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Added bookmarks page. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Merge. [PidgeyL] - Number of collections updated. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Exploit database added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Exploit database import added in configuration. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - First version of exploit database import script. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The script import the exploit database into a new database exploitdb. The link between the exploitdb id and the cve will be done with the NIST ref database. - Cleanup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fail safe if content-type is not gzip. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - No more default CVSS value when no CVSS are set for a CVE. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] This should fix #93. As the default CVSS feature seems not to be used, it will be removed too. - Fetch compressed NIST cvedb files only. Fix #98. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - NIST vendor statement not more available in uncompressed format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - GetFile method can download compressed files via compressed argument. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] default (False) is to fetch uncompressed file. Related to issue #98 - Only fetch NIST dump in gzip format when populating due to: [Alexandre Dulaunoy] "Effective October 16, 2015 the XML data feeds will no longer be available for download in an uncompressed format." Reported by @Grazfather - Fix #98 - More database stuff. [PidgeyL] - More database layer stuff. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Bugfix. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Pres added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove _id from ranking output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fix #89 following. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Show bookmarks in index.html. [PidgeyL] - Database abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [Pieter-Jan Moreels] - Merge pull request #111 from tunkaflux/patch-2. [Pidgey] Small bugfix - Small bugfix. [laurensv] Small bugfix to import :) This fixes: Starting redis-cache-cpe redis-cache-cpe updated Starting d2sec Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/laurens/Source/cve-search/sbin/", line 22, in import DatabaseLayer as dbLayer ImportError: No module named 'DatabaseLayer' d2sec has 246 elements (0 update) - Initial commit starring. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - CVSS casting to float. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - JSON output added to CPE search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Initial version of a CVE converter to asciidoc. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The asciidoc file can be converted to any format supported by an asciidoc parser. The CVE is fetched via the standard web API (so it can be used in standalone mode). You can generate an HTML file from the asciidoc: python3 -c CVE-2015-0003 | asciidoctor - >test.html - Merge pull request #99 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Initial work on Database Layer remodelling - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #110 from tunkaflux/patch-1. [Pidgey] Update defaultHead.html - Update defaultHead.html. [laurensv] This fixes the 404 error message in the logs when IE tries to load that Javascript file. - More database abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Remove unused imports & bug. [PidgeyL] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Remove unneeded imports, vars and the like. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: missing import. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix search page minimal. [PidgeyL] - Fully implement dblayer in [PidgeyL] - Complete dblayer in [PidgeyL] - Fix merge. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix with typos. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Typo fix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix database layer None Type. [PidgeyL] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Dump last 30 entries in JSON (via the API). [Alexandre Dulaunoy] API /api/last dump in JSON the last 30 updated entries of CVE. The entries are expanded including CPE, CAPEC and CWE. - Remove ObjectID from last entries dump. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - More database layer abstraction. [PidgeyL] - More database abstraction. [PidgeyL] - More database abstraction. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #98 from psychedelys/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] MS feed seem to be only available as xlsx and not anymore as xls - Now seem to be only available as xlsx. [psychedelys] - Merge pull request #97 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes - Bugfix html output. [PidgeyL] - Debug debug output ;) [PidgeyL] - Debug debug output ;) [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #96 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Little tweaks - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #95 from psychedelys/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] move sme './tmp/' to config file. - Shebang standardisation. [psychedelys] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [psychedelys] - Merge pull request #94 from psychedelys/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fetch with std methods - Move the './tmp/' from some script to a config value. [psychedelys] - Using the Configuration.getFile instead of urlopen for the proxy if needed. [psychedelys] - Lxml requirement added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove prints and add more info to default page. [PidgeyL] - Better overview failed indexes. [PidgeyL] - Minimal getref method to list all known NIST references. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Redis databases documented. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Verbose mode added as an option. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - added in the updater (Redis required) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - First working version of the NIST ref importer into Redis (db 12) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Redis RefDB - getRedisRefConnection function added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Redis database 12 is reserved for RefDB. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Microsoft bulletins added in the documentation. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #92 from chervaliery/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Add MS-Bulletin - Add MS-Bulletin. [Yoann Chevalier] Get ms-bulletin from Microsoft and add them in the collection 'ms' New requirement xlrd to parse xls - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #91 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fulltext search in minimal + fix typo in doc - Merge pull request #90 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] documentation for fulltext search - Mgmt ref downloader added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Initial commit database layer. [PidgeyL] - Fix typo in documentation. [Pieter-Jan] - Add full text search to minimal. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #89 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfixes and remove unneeded code - Merge pull request #88 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] continuation POST to AJAX + important bugfix - Merge pull request #87 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] replace posts with ajax requests - Merge pull request #86 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes - Bugfix clearing fields after adding item to black/whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Documentation for fulltext search. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Bugfix. [Pieter-Jan] - Fulltext search on database. [PidgeyL] - Remove unneeded class. [PidgeyL] - Continuation POST to AJAX + important bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Fix incomplete commit. [PidgeyL] - Replace posts with ajax requests. [PidgeyL] - Update. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #85 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] vFeed info in cvesfor - Fixed pull request #84 - test case of proxy configuration. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #84 from psychedelys/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix on pager + added the http proxy support. - Implementation http proxy for db_mgmt process. [Psychedelys] - Bugfix: broken pager. [Psychedelys] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'cherval/capec-structure' [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Change the CAPEC structure. [Yoann Chevalier] The summary, prerequisites and solutions were saved in array. This was useless, a simple text field is more convenient. - Merge pull request #69 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes, updates and improvement - Merge pull request #83 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Initial commit of moving functions like adding/removing items from white/blacklists to AJAX requests - Merge pull request #82 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfixes - Merge pull request #81 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] seen CVEs per user - Merge pull request #106 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] several bugfixes - Several bugfixesé. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #105 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] initial commit moving funtions to ajax - Initial commit moving funtions to ajax. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for pymongo3. [PidgeyL] - Mark linked items. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #68 from timeemit/authentication. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Mongo authentication - Provide auth credentials on when provided. [TimeEmit] - URL Escape the username and password. [TimeEmit] - Mongo authentication. [TimeEmit] - Merge pull request #67 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes and initial code for NIST reference - Merge pull request #66 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Enhanced output of the web admin part - Merge pull request #65 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fix - Merge pull request #63 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix #62 - Merge pull request #61 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various updates - Merge pull request #60 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #59 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many updates - Merge pull request #54 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes and updates - Merge pull request #52 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CPE 2.2 and 2.3 support - XMPP support extended - Merge pull request #51 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] XMPP client updated - Merge pull request #50 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Major update of the directory structure - Merge pull request #49 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Web JSON API added + Flush database option + various fixes - Merge pull request #46 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #44 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many updates - Merge pull request #42 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes and updates - Merge pull request #40 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many fixes and PEP-8 cleanup - Merge pull request #38 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Merge of downstream and upstream pulls + fixes - _id removed from the return list. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Help clarified for the top terms used. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fix: Exit if the Whoosh index is locked. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Help regarding full indexing added (0 to index all) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Empty rankings are discarded. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Don't add ranking if ranking is empty. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -l option added to limit the number of elements (default: unlimited) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #80 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fix progress bar issue - Merge pull request #104 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Completion seen/unseen. [PidgeyL] - Implementation mark seen. [PidgeyL] - Remove test data. [PidgeyL] - Implementation 'seen' on opened cves. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix placeholder _dummy_ [PidgeyL] - Initial commit 'seen' status. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - NIST CVE Reference Key/Maps added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #79 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Console output feature for the web interface - NIST Reference Map URL added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #103 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] remove progress bar from console output - Remove progress bar from console output. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #78 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix by @rlintu - Merge pull request #77 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix - Merge pull request #76 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Error Handling - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #75 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] searching for CVEs case insensitive - Import cpeother database in Redis cache (-o option added) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #74 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Better pager - Merge pull request #102 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Enhance output console. [PidgeyL] - Output of console in admin pannel. [PidgeyL] - Include vfeed info to cvesfor, allowing tools using the api more options. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #101 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Bugfix by @rlintu - Bugfix by @rlintu. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #100 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfix empty collections - Bugfix empty collections. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #99 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Remove excess code. [PidgeyL] - #87 error handling on no/bad internet connection and invalid urls. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #96 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] make searching for cves case insensitive - Make searching for cves case insensitive. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #73 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix javascript pager bug - Merge pull request #72 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Extend pager to browe faster - Merge pull request #71 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Merge pull request #95 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] update better pager - Update better pager. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #94 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fix javascript pager bug - Fix javascript pager bug. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #93 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] pager update #21 - Pager update #21. [PidgeyL] - Gracious shutdown. [PidgeyL] - Remove unused imports. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Https URLs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - /r/ is used from client side (JS/POST) and Bot via GET. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - /r/ can be GET request too. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Initial commit irc search bot. [PidgeyL] - Abstract query code for esier implementation. [PidgeyL] - Fix structure change bug. [PidgeyL] - Merge upstream. [PidgeyL] - (temp) Bug fix: replace HTML/XML encoded value of "!" with nothing. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Like "joomla%21" -> "joomla" Maybe this needs to be reviewed at the import process to ensure the XML elements encoded are properly encoded also in the Redis cache. - About box added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #69 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] File structure - Merge pull request #92 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Encoding and decoding in webpages. [PidgeyL] - Update "current supported commands" list. [PidgeyL] - Fix bug caused by structure update. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #91 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] file structure update - File structure update. [PidgeyL] - Fix imports. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Javascript fixed to not get undeclared elements. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #68 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Duplicate code removal - Merge pull request #67 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Satisfy pyflakes. [PidgeyL] - Extract functions to avoid duplicate code. [PidgeyL] - Test padding. [PidgeyL] - Add cpe 2.3 to 2.2 to api. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for 'empty collection' [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Minimal navbar updated. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Linked minimal template added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Linked minimal added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Minimal templates added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - First minimal web interface for cve-search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #66 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Merge pull request #90 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Api for backwards translation. [PidgeyL] - Backwards translation of CPE 2.3 to 2.2. [PidgeyL] - Backwards translation of CPE 2.3 to 2.2. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit backwards translation. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #89 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Fix 10.1 on complete impact. [PidgeyL] - Cpe 2.2 to 2.3 api url. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Fix #65. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #64 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Error Handling - Fix path issue. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #88 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Error Handling - Error Handling. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Skip on empty collections. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #63 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Error Handling - Make api understand both cpe formats. [PidgeyL] - Api plugin to get cves for cpe. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #62 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - XMPP<->API browse, search and get options added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #86 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Add path for admin (ease of access) [PidgeyL] - Error handling. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #85 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] add keyword feature to commandline - Add keyword feature to commandline. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #61 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes + new features - -l and -f are conflictual. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #60 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Merge pull request #84 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development + Bugfixes - Allow adding keywords. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix new cpe format redis cache. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix redis cache. [PidgeyL] - Change function names. [PidgeyL] - Update cpe regex. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix cpeold. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #83 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfix - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix new CPE. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #82 from PidgeyL/test. [Pieter-Jan] Test - Merge master. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #81 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Fix merge. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes and CPE update. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for empty collection. [PidgeyL] - Xmpp: -m option add to limit the range of elements. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Search command removed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Search command removed was too buggy. The command will be added again when a clean API is available for the full-text search via the local indexer. - Search ordered by Modified field. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -4 option added to disable IPv6 connectivity (enabled by default) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CVSS typo (CSS ->CVSS) in the table head. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -f option explained - repopulate all cve-search collections. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #57 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Update to new cpe format. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for empty collection. [PidgeyL] - Test branch. [PidgeyL] - Move file structure. [PidgeyL] - CVSS sub score bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Fix moving scripts to bin folder. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - API: HTTP GET method only. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bugfix for bug created in ff9389a3b68b2368c10ed31aa2073852b6064723. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix with trying to decode strings. [PidgeyL] - Bug fixed - f was out of scope. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Condition fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -f option: drop metadata about download and force CVE new population. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -f option added - drop all collections. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The -f option is required when the datastore structure changed or new elements are supported by cve-search. As there is no specific user information in the database, if the data sources are available, no data should be lost. The import can take sometime. - Change file structure. [PidgeyL] - CVSS Sub scores added. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix with trying to decode strings. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for bug created in ff9389a3b68b2368c10ed31aa2073852b6064723. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Minimal API documentation added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Redis clean-up : UTF-8 encoding at the library level. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CAPEC collection added in the documentation. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - API: /api/search// added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - API: /api/browse and /api/browse/vendor added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Redis cache: ensure that responses are UTF-8 encoded. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #55 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes - Merge pull request #54 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development - Merge pull request #80 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] change file structure for better overview - Change file structure for better overview. [PidgeyL] - Update 'last modified' after succesful script run + commenting. [PidgeyL] - Bugzilla confirmed bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Fix bad merge. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - JSON API /api/cve/ added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Do not expose ObjectID to getcve() and getcapec() [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #53 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development + Bugfixes - Merge pull request #78 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fix bad merge - Fix bad merge. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #77 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Update merge. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit cpe formalization. [PidgeyL] - Remove vfeed prefix in web ui for better visibility. [PidgeyL] - Automatically create clickable urls from vfeed urls. [PidgeyL] - Fix bugzilla field. [PidgeyL] - Re-arrange order so cpeOther isn't always one cycle later. [PidgeyL] - Merge update. [PidgeyL] - Merge update. [PidgeyL] - Add placeholder to allow merge. [PidgeyL] - Update linked items with new vFeed format. [PidgeyL] - Update web ui for new vFeed sorting. [PidgeyL] - Grouping vFeed maps. [PidgeyL] - Black/whitelisting on target hard/software. [PidgeyL] - Remove useless var + Copy2Clip text. [PidgeyL] - Merge upstream. [PidgeyL] - Remove the phantom getBlackRules - maybe associated functions need to be removed too. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #52 from Rafiot/PEP8. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Make PEP8 happy. - Make PEP8 happy. [Raphaël Vinot] - Merge pull request #75 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfixes - Fix html decoding title. [PidgeyL] - Fix blacklistrules. [PidgeyL] - Fix html encoding. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #74 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Iconize button + replace. [PidgeyL] - Update bootstrap js. [PidgeyL] - Update bootstrap. [PidgeyL] - Temp bugfix with path. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #51 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes + new features - Sorting of vfeed data. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #73 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Remove abundant files. [PidgeyL] - Abstract default head for easier updating. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit #8. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #72 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fix math + add more info - Fix math + add more info. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #71 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Extra database info. [PidgeyL] - Add white-/blacklist info to admin pannel. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'development' of into development. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes upsert. [PidgeyL] - Minimal database stats. [PidgeyL] - Stats for linked cves. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #70 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development + Bugfixes - Bugfixes upsert. [PidgeyL] - Minimal database stats. [PidgeyL] - Stats for linked cves. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #69 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Fix the library import - (TODO: name shadowing still to be fixed) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Cleanup - name shadowing. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Import lib.CVEs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Conflicts: - Merge pull request #37 from mattoufoutu/fixes. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] multiple fixes - Avoid name shadowing with builtins and custom vars. [Mathieu Deous] - Create the UserNotFoundError exception class. [Mathieu Deous] - Stop messing with sys.path, make lib a read package. [Mathieu Deous] - Remove unexpected argument when calling BulkUpsertOperation.update() [Mathieu Deous] - When fulltext indexing is enabled, subprocess' wait() method is not called. [Mathieu Deous] - Merge pull request #36 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes and updates - Merge pull request #35 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes and updates - Merge pull request #33 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Important bugfix - Merge pull request #31 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CAPEC support added, many bug fixes and improvement - Merge pull request #30 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CAPEC support added + many bug fixes - Merge pull request #29 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes, updates and improvement - Merge pull request #28 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CAPEC support added + many bug fixes - Merge pull request #27 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes and updates - Merge pull request #25 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] PBKDF2 support added - Merge pull request #24 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Various fixes and updates - Merge pull request #23 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Updates and bug fixes - Merge pull request #22 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Updates - Merge pull request #21 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Many updates - Merge pull request #20 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bug fixes - Merge pull request #19 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Web view updates - Merge pull request #18 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Fixes - Merge pull request #17 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Configuration enhancement + various bug fixes - Merge pull request #16 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Configuration enhancement - Merge pull request #15 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Major sync - Merge pull request #14 from adulau/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CWE version updated + CPE references added - Merge pull request #13 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Documentation updates and bug fixes in the full text search tool. - Merge pull request #12 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Cleanup of db dump code + vfeed updates - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #50 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Development - Fix bug with dot (.) in path. [PidgeyL] - Move table to separate html for easier modification. [PidgeyL] - Move CVSS for better visibility. [PidgeyL] - Took out milw0rm as it's not available anymore. [PidgeyL] - CAPEC option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #49 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfix + new web feature - Merge pull request #68 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fix lowercase/uppercase issue - Fix lowercase/uppercase issue. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #67 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Html encode/decode for url building. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix vendorstatement. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit linked cve's. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #48 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Important (stupid) bugs fixed - Merge pull request #65 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fixing some (stupid) bug - Fixing some (stupid) bug. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #47 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix + Performance Increase - Merge pull request #64 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development + Optimization - Progress bar + bulk operations. [PidgeyL] - Batch operations for speeding up intake. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #63 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfixes - Bugfix. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix after optimization. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #46 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix + Code optimization - Merge pull request #45 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] User friendlyness - CAPEC output option added (-c) to db dump. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -a option added - CAPEC output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #62 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Bugfix + Performance Increase - Optimization - Performance increase. [PidgeyL] - Add bug with redhat_bugzilla. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #61 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Bugfix + Code optimization - Bugfix for CPE lookup. [PidgeyL] - Code optimization. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #44 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Addition of CAPEC to the CVE info (webcomponent) - CAPEC in get() function. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #43 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] bugfixes + user friendlyness - Merge pull request #42 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfix for missing CVSS-Time - Merge pull request #41 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Selectively turn on/off aditional feeds - Merge pull request #59 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] collapsible option for multiple fields - Collapsible option for multiple fields. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #58 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] adding CAPEC to the web interface - Adding CAPEC to the web interface. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #57 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Bugfix double expand (child-arent) [PidgeyL] - Fix abundant css class. [PidgeyL] - Missing css update. [PidgeyL] - Semi-collapsed vuln-conf field for easy scrolling. [PidgeyL] - Critical bugfix on unknown cwe. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #55 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfix for missing cvss-time - Bugfix for missing cvss-time. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Add CAPEC entries even if CPE are not present in the CVE. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CAPEC lookup added in the cve library. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Getcapec per CWE id function added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #40 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Minimum requirements for six - Merge pull request #39 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Enrich the database with more info - Merge pull request #54 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Selectively toggle on and off feeds. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit allowing to turn off feeds. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #53 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] update minimum requirements for six - Update minimum requirements for six. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #52 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] CVE aditional info - Putting cvss time on the correct place. [PidgeyL] - Adding access and impact to cve.html. [PidgeyL] - Adding more CVE information to database (access & impact) [PidgeyL] - Related_weakness index added in CAPEC. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #38 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] enhancement for url's to different websites - Merge pull request #50 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] URLs - Make map_cve_scip_sciplink a url. [PidgeyL] - Open references in new tabs. [PidgeyL] - CAPEC import script added in the updater. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #37 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Adding software with CVE-Search - Add software using cve-search. [PidgeyL] - Addition of software using cve-search. [Pieter-Jan] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Sample configuration added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Default configuration removed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #35 from chervaliery/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] New Feature : CAPEC import script - Import of the CAPEC. [Yoann Chevalier] - Import of the CAPEC. [Yoann Chevalier] - Merge pull request #34 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] File chooser for web interface - Merge pull request #49 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] config sample instead of config prevents overriding when pulling new rel... - Config sample instead of config prevents overriding when pulling new release. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #48 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] textiowrapper instead of stringio - Textiowrapper instead of stringio. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #47 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] #26 file chooser for import/export - #26 file chooser for import/export. [PidgeyL] - Db_fulltext: Indexdir is now configurable. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fixed: indexdir variable was not used. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - XML handler instantiated per file. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #33 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Remove unused imports - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #46 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] optimization - Remove unused imports. [PidgeyL] - Remove unused imports. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #32 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Optimization and enhancement black/whitelist - Merge pull request #45 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Enhancements + new features - Remove duplicate code. [PidgeyL] - Allow reading text files for removing + argparse. [PidgeyL] - Allow reading text files for input + argparse. [PidgeyL] - Update info. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #44 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #31 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Documentation + Updating README - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Actualizing README. [PidgeyL] - Spellcheck + update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #30 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Documentation + Optimization - Merge pull request #43 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Documentation + Optimization - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Relative path for fulltext indexer. [PidgeyL] - Add cpeother to the updater script (runs only if initialized by user) [PidgeyL] - Use cpeother if possible. [PidgeyL] - Add to [PidgeyL] - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #29 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Logging + Bugfix - Merge pull request #42 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Bugfix + New features - Bugfix for crash on non-existing cve. [PidgeyL] - Logging functionallity for the server. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #41 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] bugfix: the nltk need a string and not a bytes - Merge pull request #40 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Documentation - Merge pull request #28 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Documentation - Bugfix: the nltk need a string and not a bytes. [psychedelys] - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Update documentation. [PidgeyL] - Initial commit documentation pages - Webcomponent. [PidgeyL] - Exit on success. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Print help by default if no argument given. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fixed in XML export - CVSS float->string. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #27 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Graceful shutdown Tornado server - Merge pull request #39 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] fix graceful shutdown for the Tornado server #30 - Fix graceful shutdown for the Tornado server #30. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #26 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] optimization + Security enhancement - Merge pull request #38 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Security Enhancement - Upgrade from normal hashing to PBKDF2 #4. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'development' of into development. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #37 from PidgeyL/master. [Pieter-Jan] make dev branch up to date - Remove duplicate code. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: missing comma. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #25 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Enhancements - Removed unused import. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Double import removed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Unused modules removed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove unused modules. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fixed: runPath undeclared. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #24 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] New Features, Bugfixes, Optimalization - Merge pull request #23 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Enhancements + New Features - Merge pull request #36 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] put cve url in config file #6 - Put cve url in config file #6. [PidgeyL] - Update [Pieter-Jan] - Merge pull request #35 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Enhancement + new feature - Give the option to require no login to access admin panel. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #34 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Adding salt to the user database #4. [PidgeyL] - Include menu.html. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #33 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Taking psychedelys' changes regarding the menu. [psychedelys] - Taking psychedelys' changes regarding the menu. [psychedelys] - Actualize psychedelys' commit. [PidgeyL] - Moved the web menu to an external file to avoid modifying all the files eachtime. [psychedelys] - Merge pull request #32 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Implementation SSL for webserver #31. [PidgeyL] - Adding tornado for asynchronous request handling #13. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix that causes the config to only read strings. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #29 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Config class centralizes all the configuration #6. [PidgeyL] - Beginning of making the config file a separate class #6. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #28 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Development - Implementation login system on website #4. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'development' of into development. [PidgeyL] - Script to add admins to database #4. [PidgeyL] - Enhancement for #22: easy copy of cpe by colapsable field. [PidgeyL] - Config update. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #25 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Enhancement + config update - Enhancement for #22: easy copy of cpe by colapsable field. [PidgeyL] - Config update. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #22 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixing and Optimization - Merge pull request #21 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes - Merge pull request #19 from PidgeyL/development. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] enhancements for web view - Merge pull request #24 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Enhancement + new feature - Solution for #22: cpe id as tooltip + marking. [PidgeyL] - Using correct function for previous commit. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for previous commit. [PidgeyL] - Remove duplicate code. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #23 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] - Merge branch 'development' of into development. [PidgeyL] - Missed variable for setting globalization. [Pieter-Jan] - Add default cvss score to the config file. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix that allows to go to negative page numbers with the pager. [PidgeyL] - Removing abundant function. [PidgeyL] - Add page length to settings (#6) [PidgeyL] - Bugfix for the browse per vendor. [PidgeyL] - Remove debug message. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #18 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] Bugfix - Bugfixing for HTML escaped url's. [PidgeyL] - Fix variable bug cvedb.vfeed instead of db.vfeed. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #17 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] - Bugfix for #2, the problem with the %2f being seen as a / [PidgeyL] - Partial fix for #2: adding/removing cpe's with special chars to lists is now possible. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #17 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] enhancements for web view - Merge pull request #15 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix the query for the blacklist: solves issue #3 - Merge pull request #16 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] merged - Hide rejected cve's with toggle button #9. [PidgeyL] - Fix missing onLoad() [PidgeyL] - Clean HTLM head, add new favicon, reintroduce html5shiv #14 (and beginning of #9, by adding the select) [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #15 from PidgeyL/development. [Pieter-Jan] enhancements for web view - Fix title from page. [PidgeyL] - Back to top feature on pages #12. [PidgeyL] - Collapsable filter with toggle button #11. [PidgeyL] - Remove abundant code and pages thanks to the filter #10. [PidgeyL] - Fix the query for the blacklist: solves issue #3. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #13 from xme/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Convert float (CVSS) to string before printing - Convert float (CVSS) to string before printing. [Xavier Mertens] - Merge pull request #14 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes + finalizing configuration file - Fix crash on CPE's with more then 4 :'s in string. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Fix merge. [PidgeyL] - Make the mongo database an option in the configurations file. [PidgeyL] - Fixing bug with runPath. [PidgeyL] - Allow the change of webserver settings. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #12 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Enhancements - Minor bugfix with the year. [PidgeyL] - Allow users to specify a start year for the CVE's to skip older CVE's, if prefered. [PidgeyL] - Fix crash when no cve's for a year. [PidgeyL] - Update copyright. [PidgeyL] - Remove print from db_cpe_browser testing. [PidgeyL] - Fix path issues & allow to call scripts from any location (os.path) [PidgeyL] - Add mongo settings to the config file. [PidgeyL] - Update depricated pymongo.connection() to pymongo.MongoClient() [PidgeyL] - Globalize mongo connector settings. [PidgeyL] - Put all the Redis settings in the config file. [PidgeyL] - Use update statement for editting CPE's instead of removing and adding. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Fix the cancel button. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Allow editting of cpe's (still a but on cancel button) [PidgeyL] - Start of configuration file. [PidgeyL] - Index creation now in the updater. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #11 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes - Bugfix: NoneType on cpe not matching regex fixed + making the regex match from start to end. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: database export not working when file exists. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: whitelist exports blacklist file. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Software using cve-search section added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Handle exception of unavailable redis server. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #10 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Filter feature - Bugfix that makes crash when you try to add an entire vendor to a black/- or whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Update [Pieter-Jan] - Updating the Read-Me. [PidgeyL] - Fix bug where the pager takes the changes in the filterfield. [PidgeyL] - Bugfixes + multipage navigation. [PidgeyL] - Make the filter page keep the settings after the search. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #9 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix merge screw-up - Merge pull request #8 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] fix merge screw-up - Merge pull request #7 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Bugfixes, merge and new features - Removing abundant code + non-working links in pages. [PidgeyL] - Accept both / and - in dates and added tooltip for userfriendlyness. [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Fix merge screw-up. [PidgeyL] - Fix merge screw-up. [PidgeyL] - Fix merge screw-up. [Pieter-Jan] - Remove HEAD. [Pieter-Jan] - Merge with upstream. [PidgeyL] - Merge pull request #5 from psychedelys/upstream. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] standadisation of the shebang - Added a missing indeg according to updateed docs. [psychedelys] - Added a link to MyCVE base on whitelist and blacklist, to see the CVE which interessed me. [psychedelys] - Added the mgmt whitelist and blacklist index. [psychedelys] - Splitting the cpe search from the original search just to have a cleaner,smaller code. Added the option to search against the cpeother collection. [psychedelys] - Solving the duplicate on the cpeother. [psychedelys] - Script to check and ensure that the recommended index are created as recommended. [psychedelys] - Locating all cpe not found in the official cpe dictionary. [psychedelys] - Missing an admin link. [psychedelys] - Closing the zip file. [psychedelys] - Duplicate keywords. [psychedelys] - Standadisation of the shebang. [psychedelys] - Filter function. [PidgeyL] - Basis filter + small bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Visual preparations for the filter. [PidgeyL] - Make the database store the cvss value in a decimal instead of a string, so filter actions (in the future) will be possible. [PidgeyL] - URL transformation from get to post + rearrangement breadcrumbs + Regex bugfix + addition of breadcrumbs + fixes breadcrumbs. [PidgeyL] - Search field filter search. [PidgeyL] - Basics filter + placeholde in navbar. [PidgeyL] - Pager tweak: no more next button at the end of the list. [PidgeyL] - Implement blacklist feature + apply to whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix in regex. [PidgeyL] - Laying basis for filter.html + updating nav bar. [PidgeyL] - Update navbar. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: Pager no longer able to go below 0. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: listmanager navigating to versions after adding a product to white-/or blacklist. [PidgeyL] - Bugfix: load the right scrips.js file in whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Upgrade from bootstrap 2 to bootstrap 3. [PidgeyL] - Implementation listmanager (browe through vendors and products to add items to black/- or whitelist with visual navigation) + navigation URL's in the admin panel. [PidgeyL] - Renaming CPE by product for more uniform format, for later listManagement. [PidgeyL] - Rearranging code, removing abundant /browse// path, commenting and basis listManagement feature. [PidgeyL] - Give the pages the right tiles. [PidgeyL] - Add remove feature to the visual white-/and blacklist lists + bugfix while adding CPE. [PidgeyL] - Make the blacklist work in the same way as the Whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Add whitelist view + the posibility to add rules from the web page. [PidgeyL] - Basic featurs whitelist view (list) [PidgeyL] - Syntax fix in table from index.html + basis whitelist/blacklist rules. [PidgeyL] - - Fix invalid path - Fix possible path exploit - add drop and export functions to admin pannel - reformat status. [PidgeyL] - Add blacklist to the admin pannel + bugfixes. [PidgeyL] - Fix broken due to changes in [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - CPE: references support added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] References href are now added if present in each respective CPE - CWE from 2.5 to 2.8. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ensure index on Modified key. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] db.cves.ensureIndex( {Modified:1} ) - Remove double requirements (pip3 doesn't like this) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add blacklist feature. [PidgeyL] - Put CPEList class in the correct folder. [PidgeyL] - Create the CPEList class to reduce redundant code in white- and blacklists. [PidgeyL] - Fix whitelist bug + Fix comments in export + sanitizing input. [PidgeyL] - Export filename argument as string. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - White-list export fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - PEP. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -l option added to list existing notifications. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #4 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Administration page with database update functionality - Call function to import whitelist instead of os.system() [PidgeyL] - Exception handling. [PidgeyL] - Allow comments for whitelisted items. [PidgeyL] - Changing Modified to Last Major Update for clarity. [PidgeyL] - Export function for the whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Make the import selector bash-injection proof. [PidgeyL] - Whitelist import from admin panel. [PidgeyL] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' [PidgeyL] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Layouting the web interface. [PidgeyL] - Basic database update call from web interface. [PidgeyL] - Verbose mode. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - State notification flush option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Notification skeleton added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Notification added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Removal of notification added (-r) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Verbose mode added (-v) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - DB notification tool added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #3 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Whitelist feature - Merge pull request #1 from PidgeyL/admin. [Pieter-Jan] introducing admin page - Introducing admin page. [PidgeyL] - Introducing admin page. [PidgeyL] - Copyright references. [PidgeyL] - Table tweak. [PidgeyL] - Page navigation through the whitelist. [PidgeyL] - Allow regex like searches on products. [PidgeyL] - Whitelist marked item for better visibility. [PidgeyL] - Remove abundant files. [PidgeyL] - Add add and remove feature to [PidgeyL] - Remove abundant files. [PidgeyL] - Reformatting bootstrap for viewability. [PidgeyL] - Script for manipulating the whitelist, adding the whitelist link to the pages, implementing the logic in and creating a whitelist class in style.css. [PidgeyL] - Add the whitelist page. [PidgeyL] - Basis for the whitelisting view: whitelist management script. [PidgeyL] - Snort and nmap map added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #2 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Formatting + requirements update - Updating the requirements to run CVE-Search. [PidgeyL] - Fixing missing " that caused the search function to break. [PidgeyL] - Updating the dependency ( [PidgeyL] - Rename to [Pieter-Jan] - Merge branch 'master' of [PidgeyL] - Fix of the requirements.txt file. [PidgeyL] - Sorting on Modified instead of last-modified. [PidgeyL] - Updated requirements.txt for new requirements. [PidgeyL] - More information on CVE's in Search.html, and changed 'last-modified' with 'published' in index.html and search.html. [PidgeyL] - Better formatting, by using a function instead of substring, that gives the local time. [PidgeyL] - Formatting dates to a more userfriendly datetime format. [PidgeyL] - Add Flask-PyMongo requirement. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #1 from PidgeyL/master. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Web interface update: reverse vulnerable config + search interface - Reverse sorting order for products from vendors. [PidgeyL] - Adding a CVE search function to the web pages. [PidgeyL] - Cleanup and log when the process is waiting. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove unused module. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Fixed incorrect keyword used for the getranking method. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Thanks to Didier Stevens and his colleague for the bug report. - PEP. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove unused modules. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Most common terms option (-m) fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Code block of samples added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add an advanced usage section. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Output human readable JSON. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Terms are encoded in byte object and it doesn't match a JSON object type. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fix: quit if there is an empty query. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - How to install required modules using pip. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - PIP requirements.txt file added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] cve-search required packages can be installed via PIP sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt - Cleanup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Square Security feed added to add exploit reference. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Square Security feed added to add exploit reference. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Square Security feed added to add exploit reference. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Double import bug fixed and --force option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] --force option has been added to import again CVE records if the initial 2002 CVE exists - Bug fixed: check correct record for bulk import. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -c option added to support the CPE redis cache. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CPE browser and search functionality added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Importing CPE entries in a Redis database to improve lookup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Until now, this part is only used by the web interface to improve response time - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Clean up: use the library. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Skip parameter added when getting last CVEs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Pager added while browsing CVEs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CWE link to MITRE added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - VFeed new mapping added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] map_cve_hp and map_cve_bid added - Add -n option to index the cpe name. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fix: last-modified is Modified. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fix: last-modified field is "Modified" [Alexandre Dulaunoy] When searching the last modified order was not respected and the descending option (-l). The mongodb query was using the wrong field name. - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Code cleanup - library is now used. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -n (cpe lookup) option adds cpe entries to CSV output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CWE collection added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CWE initial support added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CWE Weakness import added. This version only imports weaknesses and their description. The XML includes much more information including a hierarchical structure. More work is required to support the whole CWE format. - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Support for NIST NVD vendor statements on CVE added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -r option only prints entries with ranking available. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Bug fix: skip empty ranking removal if key not presents. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CWE is now imported from the NIST NVD database. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Reference to vfeed @ToolsWatch by default web interface added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The reference is added from all the keys not part of standard NIST or cve-search ranking/entries. - Vfeed suricata and vmware tables added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Thanks to @ToolsWatch for the notification. - Clarification in the installation process. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Library used and vfeed option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Dump database in JSON format optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r Include ranking value -v Include vfeed map - Dumping ranking is now an option. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #11 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Ranking and name lookup added in full-text + various fixes including license - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove ranking key if there is no ranking value. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Vfeed collection added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Vfeed added in the db_updater. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ignore UTF-8 issues while importing vfeed records. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - usage clarified. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Clarify last-modified and add full summary in the tooltip. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add cpe name|ranking|vfeed lookup in the web interface. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Now the default template is displaying all the know records for a CVE including CPE, ranking and vfeed references. - Return None if CVE requested doesn't exist. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Vfeed dict is not merged when it's a string. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Vfeed lookup added in cves library. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Lookup can be enabled using vfeedlookup=True when instantiating the method. The returned value will contain if the vfeed attribute if this exists. - Skip import if vfeed is not modified. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Index to add for the vfeed CVE id collection. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Headers added for [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Skip vFeed tables where there is no CVE id. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] As the CVE id is the main references for cve-search, we discard vFeed tables without reference to a CVE id. - An initial importer for the vFeed database. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The vFeed database is containing the relationship of CVE id with various other vulnerability references. The importer is adding all the vFeed database into a single collection. Thanks to the guys working on vFeed. - Minimal web interface added to cve-search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The web interface requires flask (pip install flask). The interface is a minimal interface to view the last CVE entries and query specific CVE entries. This is the basis for extending cve-search in a Web environment. - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ranking (if present) added in all output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - License properly with a compatible free software license. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] To make the licensing consistent within cve-search. - -r / -n option added (CPE and ranking lookup) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CPE and ranking lookup added in cves.getcve() [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CPE and ranking lookup displayed while fetching one or more CVE. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ranking and CPE name lookup added for CPE vendor search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] python3.3 -p joomla: -o json -r -n Ranking or product lookup added in the output if option -r or -n is used. - Avoid title output if JSON output is active. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Convert bytes stream into UTF-8 for most frequent terms. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Header for html output for specific CVE-ID search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of git:// [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #9 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] JSON output fixed for search (fulltext and MongoDB) + a fix in the documentation - CVE search title in HTML is product search query. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Default output of search is the list of CVE-ID. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] If no output format is specified, the default output is the CVE-ID. - JSON output is fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] JSON output is now standard format and using the bson/json conversion. You can now use jq to process the results: JSON output is fixed The BSON format from MongoDB format is now represented following the standard JSON representation. Jq can now directly processes the results: python3.3 -q Java | parallel -j 10 python3.3 -r -c | jq '. | {cvss, summary}' - JSON output is fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] JSON output is now standard format and using the bson/json conversion. You can now use jq to process the results: python3.3 -q Java -f | jq '.cvss' - Documentation added for the keywords visualization. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Clarification on the use of NLTK for stemming the keywords and how to use it. - Merge pull request #8 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Minor bug fixes, Ranking database and keyword analysis - Output cveid option added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] -o cveid added to output list of the CVE number of the matching search. - Ranking option added for Atom and RSS feeds. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - -j option removed (same as -f) and the cves library is now used. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Avoid MongoDB connection when searches are done in the full-text index. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Lemmatize words but also verbs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Lemmatization and stopwords added to -s in search_fulltext. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Initially I used a stemming algorithm to filter the variation of words. But stemming is not appropriate in this case as the use is not to create an index out of the terms but to keep the root of the words. Lemmatization is more appropriate in this case. The option -s is also checking the stopwords corpus from NTLK to remove known stopwords from the result. - A simple stemming function added to the graph output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Link to visualization added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Visualization added in the README. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Export JSON of the term frequency. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Used for the website visualizing the 2000 most used keywords from CVE description. - Dump terms frequency seen in indexed CVEs. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] -m dump the most frequent terms -l dump the lexicons of all the indexed terms from the CVE description. - Remove ranking based on cpe regexp. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] -d option added to delete the ranking based on their cpe name. This can be expressed in any MongoDB regexp. - Update the db_ranking explanation and display usage. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] If the group or the cpe is missing, the usage is now displayed with a small explanation of the cve-search ranking. - Output matching CVE(s) in JSON format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Method getcve added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Add a reference to Feedformatter 0.5 required. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Feedformatter is required for dump_last in order to dump in RSS or Atom format. The lastest version need to be checkout from: Because the pip module is not supporting Python version 3. - Notes about the values to index in MongoDB. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Python 3 interpreter for the indexing process. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Python 3 is now default for launching updaters. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #7 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Multiple updates - -i option added to index new CVE entries. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The db_updater is now calling the indexer to index new entries. - Add an option to index the last new entries. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] You can now index nth newest entries from CVE: %python3.3 -l 5 -v - Add an option to index the last new entries. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] You can now index nth newest entries from CVE: %python3.3 -l 5 -v - Doc-id in schema is now unique. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] If you are reindexing from an existing index, you have to delete it as the schema changed. - Update of the index is now supported. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Index presence is checked if it exists. Update document to avoid duplicate document in the full-text index. To be used for the update process. - Xmppbot: cvetweet command - output cleaned-up. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] First reference is now properly displayed and seperator is consistent for all references. - Add an option to display only ranked CVE. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Added HTML output and optional CPE lookup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The dump_last command now includes in addition to RSS/Atom an HTML output generating a table per CVE entry. - Clarification of the project + a basic installation guide. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Default byte array is now an unicode string. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Basic XML output added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] -o xml is now working when a product/cpe search is done. The output format is a minimal XML format containing each matching CVE-ID. The format is including the id, references, date of last update and the vulnerable configuration if they are present. - Remove old README confusing with new [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Dump_last usage added to generate RSS or Atom feeds. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Dump last CVE entries in RSS/Atom format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Arguments are the following: optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f F Output format (rss1,rss2,atom) -l L Last n items (default:10) requires lib/ - Minimal library to get last CVE from the database. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] You can add the ranking and the CPE lookup for each element retrieved from the CVE database by default rankinglookup and namelookup are disabled. A sample code: import cves l = cves.last(rankinglookup=True) l.get() - A simple CVE database dumper including ranking in JSON. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Print usage if no arguments are used. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Separate ranking lookup from cpe name lookup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Now the output can include ranking lookup with or without cpe name. - Skeleton for the RSS/Atom generator. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Remove limit for search results. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Basic explanation for the fulltext indexing. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] and added in the documentation to explain their uses. Be aware that the is still at the early stage. - Crude indexer of CVEs to a Whoosh fulltext index. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The fulltext indexer is relying on Whoosh. The indexing is done by enumerating all items from the MongoDB CVE collection and indexing the summary text of each CVE. The Path of each document is the CVE-ID. The current indexing is indexing all CVEs from the MongoDB. This need to be improved when new items are updated (TODO). The fulltext indexing is done to overcome the limitation of MongoDB regarding fulltext indexing and to improve response time for non-indexed records (especially for the XMPP bot). - Search interface to the fulltext index (in Whoosh) [Alexandre Dulaunoy] The search interface to query the Whoosh index to find the matching CVEs and output the CVE from the MongoDB collection. python3.3 -q NFS -q Linux -> to query NFS and Linux and output the list of matching CVEs python3.3 -q NFS -q Linux -j -> to query NFS and Linux and output the JSON for each CVE - -l option added to run the fetcher in a loop. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] If you like to run your services in a GNU Screen or a tmux session, this allows you to run the updates every hour. without -l it's usually for a crontab usage. - Last-modified check added for CVE and CPE fetch. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] CVE and CPE db_mgmt are now checking the last-modified HTTP header to skip the download when the file has been already downloaded. A new collection has been created to store the meta information (like last-modified) about each collection. info collection is like this: { "_id" : ObjectId("50ba8d5f597549f61b2a25ab"), "db" : "cve", "last-modified" : "Sat, 01 Dec 2012 21:01:07 GMT" } { "_id" : ObjectId("50ba8dc4597549f61b2a25ac"), "db" : "cpe", "last-modified" : "Sat, 01 Dec 2012 05:12:59 GMT" } A list of the collections has been added in the README. - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Cvetweet function added in the XMPP bot. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] cveweet is outputting a text readable output of the last CVE entries with the following format: CVE-2011-5058 , The CmbWebserver.dll module of the Control service in 3S CoDeSys 3.4 SP4 Patch 2 allows remote attackers to create arbitrary directories under the web root by specifying a non-existent directory using \ (backslash) characters in an HTTP GET request. , , , CVE-ID, summary, list of references (URLs) - A small clarification about secondary indexes. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - A full-text "search" query added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] search is a full-text search on the summary field of each CVE items. You might consider to have an index on the summary field of the cves collection , if you expect to have a lot of queries. search You can search for one or more keywords. A small help has been also added to the XMPP bot - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - List ranking to be prepared for other formats. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - CPE lookup is always done for ranking lookup. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Ranking support added in XMPP bot. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] JSON now includes the array ranking (key is ranking). If the ranking doesn't exist, the array is empty. - -l option added to list current rankings. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] List all of the rankings in the ranking collection. - Merge pull request #5 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] A new ranking functionality added and lookup cpe name added for JSON and text output. - A ranking functionnality added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Ranking database allows to rank software vulnerabilities based on their common platform enumeration name. The ranking can be done per organization or department within your organization or any meaningful name for you. As an example, you can add a partial CPE name like "sap:netweaver" which is very critical for your accounting department. ./python3.3 -c "sap:netweaver" -g "accounting" -r 3 and then you can lookup the ranking (-r option) for a specific CVE-ID: ./python3.3 -c CVE-2012-4341 -r -n The ranking can be extended for notification in the XMPP search bot or alike. The ranking collection is a new collection in the MongoDB database. With the following format (a sample record): { "_id" : ObjectId("50b2081e597549f61b2a25a7"), "cpe" : "sap:netweaver", "rank" : [ { "accounting" : 3 } ] } - Lookup cpe name for text output in product search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge branch 'master' of git:// [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #4 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Show vendor references only - Lookup cpe name for JSON output in product search. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Search and show vendor references only in CSV output. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Usually you just want to have the references from the vendor to a specific vulnerability and you don't want the full references. The -v option allows to search in the hostname of the references for a specific vendor. Yep, we assume that a vendor got his own domain name (it's usually the case ;-). ./ -p webex: -o csv -v "cisco" The following example allows you to search webex products and show only the vendor links. - Merge branch 'master' of git:// [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Merge pull request #3 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) added - URLs fixed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - New README in markdown format. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Search CVE XMPP Bot added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] Simple XMPP bot to query for the last entries in the CVE database and to get the output in JSON format. Useful for dynamic application requiring a constant feed of updates. Current command supported is: last To get the n last entries from the CVE database. The sleekxmpp library is required. - Merge branch 'master' of [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Updater script to start db_ scripts and logging. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] script that can be used in cron or alike to automatically start the db_ updater script and logging the # of updates done. - -v option added - verbose messages are now optional. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] logging is now optional - -n added to lookup Common Platform Enumeration. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] This option replaces cpe name with human-readable description of the common platform name. You need to have the cpe collection imported via If there is no human-readable description available, the original cpe name is used. As an example, you can now search with CPE resolution enabled: -c CVE-2012-2897 -n and without: -c CVE-2012-2897 - Importing Common Platform Enumeration into cvedb. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] This script is fetching the official Common Platform Enumeration[1] into the cve database as a standalone collection. The collection format is composed of an id which is the cpe name and the title which is the human readable name. - Merge pull request #2 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] Search a list of CVE-ID - Search one or more CVE-ID. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] like " -c CVE-2012-2897 -c CVE-2012-2553" - Merge pull request #1 from adulau/master. [Wim Remes] set a default CVSS value, option to sort in descending/ascending and case insensitive search - Fulltext search is now case insensitive. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Option for descending/ascending sort added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Set a default CVSS value for item without CVSS. [Alexandre Dulaunoy] - Commented source. [Wim Remes] - Readme modified. [Wim Remes] - Search modified. [Wim Remes] - Initial commit. [Wim Remes] - Scripts upload. [Wim Remes] - Test. [Wim Remes] - Test. [Wim Remes] - Scripts. [Wim Remes]